Monday, March 9, 2015

Hideki Suzuki vs. Masakatsu Funaki

ZERO1_FOURTEEN - 01.03.2015 

Hideki Suzuki vs. Masakatsu Funaki

No, I won't only post when I stumble across awesome sub 10 minute matches but I had to post something about this one. It's only 7 minutes long, I watched this 3 times already and absolutely love it.
The firs half was great matwork where they really don't want to make a mistake and make you believe the first submision locked can end the match. Being a Shoot Wrestling fan I greatly enjoy this part.
The second part starts when Funaki don't let Suzuki stand up and kick him HARD and from this point on we're in the finishing run. This could end at any time. Awesome action featuring neat counters.
Everything felt important and it's probably because... everything was important. They went for the kill right away. I guess that's the way you have to work a SEVEN MINUTES blow off match. But when you see what they can do in so little you can't help but wanting more. I hope we'll have a rematch one day and after that match they'll be crazy not to do it.
Still don't know how to rate or where to put it on my MOTY list but I assure you it's a MUST SEE.